Manly Vale Crop Swap & Native Honey Tasting – Jan 15, 2017

Manly Vale Crop Swap & Native Honey Tasting – Jan 15, 2017

This event signified our first on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and visitors came from far and wide.  One family even travelled from near Hurstville to swap with us! On arrival, their arms brimmed with huge pesticide free zucchinis, flavoursome onions and freshly harvested beetroot.

Pocket City Farms Swap – Jan 14, 2017

Pocket City Farms Swap – Jan 14, 2017

Last weekend we kicked off 2017 with a steamy summers swap at Pocket City Farms at Camperdown Commons.  We swapped in the Pavillion, overlooking the farm that was bursting with tomatoes and were happy to chat to lots of newcomers who dropped by to check it out (rest assured none left with empty hands).  The seed library was suitably rummaged, and there was a huge variety of produce, plants and information exchanged.
Carlingford Permaculture Crop Swap – Dec 3, 2016

Carlingford Permaculture Crop Swap – Dec 3, 2016

On December 3rd we managed to squeeze one last afternoon swap in before the silly season set in.  Set under a marquee in the beautifully planned garden of a Permaculture Sydney North member, attendees sipped refreshing homemade cordial (made using garden ingredients), tips and recipes were exchanged, and the owner conducted a tour.  The garden buzzed with blue banded bees, new figs were spotted, hot rasperries were eaten straight from the bush and all marveled at the beautiful pomegranates on their way.

Crop Swap Sydney Turns 1!

Crop Swap Sydney Turns 1!

On November 19th Crop Swap Sydney turned 1! During our first year hundreds of swaps took place between 2,000+ growers.

We’ve loved hearing stories about how some of our members forged local friendships through this network, and connected over the growing (and eating) of healthy homegrown produce. Thank you to our members for being a part of a small idea that seems to be making a difference, and we welcome any newcomers who are keen to start growing and sharing!

All About Heirlooms

All About Heirlooms

Have you ever eaten rainbow corn, purple carrots or pink radishes? Varieties such as these, that sound too magical to be true, are known as heirlooms or old cultivars.  In recent years they have become highly sought after for their superior taste, interesting appearance or because they are uncommon in supermarkets.  For these reasons, they are perfect for the backyard veggie patch, and your dinner plate!

5 edible flowers to grow & cook

5 edible flowers to grow & cook

The culinary and decorative benefits of edible flowers are endless. There are many easy-to-grow varieties and most can even be grown in pots. They have the ability to transform any boring dish by injecting new colours and flavours, and are an interesting talking point (especially when you can declare that they are homegrown). Here are 5 of our family favourites to brighten up your table this Spring. […]