Homemade Fruit Leathers

Fruit leathers are a fabulous alternative to store bought, additive laden, roll ups.  This recipe is easy to make at home with kids and has only 4 ingredients. My family likes the combination of raspberries and banana, but any combination of fruit can be used (apple & cinnamon, cherry & cranberry or mango & pineapple are also delicious). If you don’t own a dehydrator these can also be made in the oven, though drying times may vary.

Grow your own pineapples from tops ?

Did you know that pineapples contain a compound called bromelain and eating a fresh pineapple full of bromelain induces a feeling of well being? We all know that homegrown tastes even better so why not try your hand at propagating your own from tops?

All About Heirlooms

Have you ever eaten rainbow corn, purple carrots or pink radishes? Varieties such as these, that sound too magical to be true, are known as heirlooms or old cultivars.  In recent years they have become highly sought after for their superior taste, interesting appearance or because they are uncommon in supermarkets.  For these reasons, they are perfect for the backyard veggie patch, and your dinner plate!

Our Vegepod Winner!

Last month, to get Spring started, we teamed up with Vegepod to give Crop Swap Sydney members the chance to win a Vegepod starter kit.  The competition required entrants to share a garden pest control tip with the community, and they did!  There were companion planting anecdotes, recipes and homemade deterrents galore. With almost 100 entries it was difficult to choose just one winner.

Grower Profile: Nadine’s Monster Kale

Many of you may have seen Nadine’s post about her monster kale earlier in the week.  In one year she grew 6 plants in raised beds that were so prolific that they are now taller than her.  There’s no wonder she always had mountains of kale to swap at previous events. There have been many enquiries about what her secret is, so here she kindly shares some growing tips.


Grower Profile: Tonys $1 a day Food Challenge

Crop Swap Sydney member Tony Tang is a well-travelled family man, who cultivates his own mushrooms and wears a suit to work.  As the son of an engineer and a good cook, gardening was always in his blood, but it was his interest in education, food insecurity and waste, that lead him to undertake a month long, $1 a day food challenge.  Not only did he succeed, but he also managed to raise $3,350 for the charity, Second Bite.