Grow your own pineapples from tops ?

Did you know that pineapples contain a compound called bromelain and eating a fresh pineapple full of bromelain induces a feeling of well being? We all know that homegrown tastes even better so why not try your hand at propagating your own from tops?

Moss House Swap & Foraging Tour with Diego Bonetto – 7 May, 2017

This International Permaculture Day, member Margaret Mossakowska kindly re-opened her garden to the Crop Swap community. This large suburban food garden features eleven raised vegetable beds (seven of which are self-watering), large composting bays and worm farms, a chicken forest, native stingless bees, insectary gardens and a habitat pond.

Pocket City Farms Swap – 18 March, 2017

At our Pocket City Farms swap this month we offered members free soil testing provided by the wonderful team at Vegesafe.  Home gardeners brought their soil samples along and were able to have them analysed on site for metal and metalloid contaminants.  What a valuable service to ensure that soil is safe for growing edibles in!

Crop Swap Sydney Turns 1!

On November 19th Crop Swap Sydney turned 1! During our first year hundreds of swaps took place between 2,000+ growers.

We’ve loved hearing stories about how some of our members forged local friendships through this network, and connected over the growing (and eating) of healthy homegrown produce. Thank you to our members for being a part of a small idea that seems to be making a difference, and we welcome any newcomers who are keen to start growing and sharing!

All About Heirlooms

Have you ever eaten rainbow corn, purple carrots or pink radishes? Varieties such as these, that sound too magical to be true, are known as heirlooms or old cultivars.  In recent years they have become highly sought after for their superior taste, interesting appearance or because they are uncommon in supermarkets.  For these reasons, they are perfect for the backyard veggie patch, and your dinner plate!

5 edible flowers to grow & cook

The culinary and decorative benefits of edible flowers are endless. There are many easy-to-grow varieties and most can even be grown in pots. They have the ability to transform any boring dish by injecting new colours and flavours, and are an interesting talking point (especially when you can declare that they are homegrown). Here are 5 of our family favourites to brighten up your table this Spring. […]

Cook Your Crop: Leah’s Mulberry Cobbler

Beautiful, bountiful mulberry trees are a Sydney institution and a favourite amongst kids and adults alike.  The only problem is that when the berries are in season they can be picked in bucket loads.  Here, one Crop Swap Sydney member shares her recipe for Mulberry Cobbler with us, using her homegrown berries. She says that it is perfect for school lunches and can also be eaten cold or frozen. Enjoy.

Grower Profile: Nadine’s Monster Kale

Many of you may have seen Nadine’s post about her monster kale earlier in the week.  In one year she grew 6 plants in raised beds that were so prolific that they are now taller than her.  There’s no wonder she always had mountains of kale to swap at previous events. There have been many enquiries about what her secret is, so here she kindly shares some growing tips.


Moss House Sustainable Swap – Sept 11, 2016

Last weekend Moss House opened to the public for Sustainable House Day, and served as the venue for our first swap of the  season.  This property is a great example of a working permaculture garden on a suburban scale, and was an inspiration for many members who were able to see elements of sustainable permaculture food garden design in action.

Apps to Help Manage Your Garden

Remembering what to plant when, when you last fertilised and when something is due to be harvested can be tricky to manage along with the rest of life’s moments.  Fortunately, there are various apps available to help you with these details.  We’ve compiled information on three of the most popular available.  All offer slightly variable functionality depending on how you would like to document information and access support.