Our Vegepod Winner!

Last month, to get Spring started, we teamed up with Vegepod to give Crop Swap Sydney members the chance to win a Vegepod starter kit.  The competition required entrants to share a garden pest control tip with the community, and they did!  There were companion planting anecdotes, recipes and homemade deterrents galore. With almost 100 entries it was difficult to choose just one winner.

COMP ARTWORK1One member even shopped at Vinnies in an effort to control white cabbage moths. Last summer I pegged some reused ugly lace curtains around my raised bed to exclude the cabbage moth and it worked a treat. All hail Vinnies and ugly lace curtains?”

Another raided her fridge and said “I’ve won the battle against slugs & snails with beer traps. They seem to love VB!”

But when it came down to it Maree Adermann’s Stink bug control tip took the cake.  She said, “I vacuum the orange stink bugs that get on the citrus trees. Totally organic and works perfectly. Although, I have had to explain why I am vacuuming my lemon tree at times.”

The prize included a small Vegepod with stand and enough soil to fill it. Maree kindly donated her winnings to her daughter in law, Elise who loves to garden but hasn’t got one.

Elise is actually a seasoned Vegepodder with an already established pod, see photo below.  The new one is behind her which we imagine will be producing just as well in no time.

Maree said “As you can see, things grow outrageously well in it……and the Vegepod guys were fantastic. They told me all about it and why it worked so well.” 

Congratulations to both Maree and Elise and many thanks to the fabulous crew at Vegepod for their support.  For more information about Vegepods visit their website.

We’ve compiled all of the garden pest control tips submitted as part of the competition which you can find here.










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Do you have a garden story to share? If so, we’d love to hear from you.  Please email us at hello@cropswap.sydney or contact us via the website form.